1. General Conditions of Use
This service is for personal use only. It is strictly prohibited to circulate or reproduce all or part of the content for other purposes, in any form whatsoever. Failure to comply with this rule will be treated as an infringement of copyright and civil or legal proceedings may be instigated against the person or entity responsible.
The information available on the website is not subject to contract and may be altered without warning. The services mentioned on the website may differ from the stated form or be unavailable depending on your location. The website should not under any circumstances be treated as an advisory or consulting service.
The Royal Racer cannot be held responsible for any problems caused by consulting or using the website. Hypertext links provide access to sites run by third parties, over which the The Royal Racer has no control. The Royal Racer disclaims all responsibility for the content of these sites.
2. Copyright Notice
All the content of this website is © The Royal Racer.
3. Information We Collect Automatically
If you browse through the website or download information, our servers will automatically collect numerical counts of visitors by domain, browser type, IP address, keywords used, and other standard web measurements. We use the information collected to manage and improve our website and to make it as useful as possible for our guests.
4. Information You Choose to Provide Us With
The firm only gathers and retains personal information that you voluntarily submit. We will not disclose the personal data you provide to us without your consent, except as required by law or to service providers or suppliers if the disclosure will enable that party to perform a business, or provide professional or technical support to the Group. The Group does not sell or rent your information to any third party.
5. Opting Out of Receiving General Communications
Unless you opt out of receiving such materials, we may send you information by email or postal mail to the address you submit to us through our website or otherwise. Such information may include newsletters or other information that may interest you.
6. Cookie Policy
This website uses cookies. Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored on your computer to enable our server to collect certain information from your web browser. Cookies in themselves do not identify the individual, just the computer used. Cookies and other similar technology make it easier for you to log on to and use the website during future visits. Our cookies are used to keep track of your online session, they are maintained throughout multiple sessions on the site.
On your first visit to the website, you may be greeted by a pop-up message that provides information about cookie use. We’ll store a cookie when you click the accept button so that your computer knows you’ve seen it and will stop showing it.
Our cookies do not collect any personal identifying information or confidential information such as passwords or policy numbers. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies, but you can alter this if you prefer. However, if you disable session cookies some parts of our website will not function as designed. For more information, please visit here.
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